July, 2023


5h 40m

Zelda: "Fiend! What villainous plans do you have in store for Hyrule"

Ganondorf: "I'm going to get the Gorons addicted to meth!"

Zelda: "Oh...you truly are the most despicab- wait, what...?"

I sincerely hope we have devious Gorons stoned out of their mind in futures games because this was really funny. Yunobo all dripped out in his pro-wrestler attire, though I feel that getting the mask off him should have taken longer in order for it have more impact. Using the minecarts to travel around the lava-cooled slopes of Death Mountain was kind of sick, you make use of Yunobo to clear rocks in your path, one thing that was annoying though was during the battle with Moragia, he actually weighed down my wing causing me to have to fight against his weight.

The Fire Temple, much like the "Lightning" Temple felt way more cohesive compared dungeons in BoTW. While I wouldn't say the puzzles were particularly challenging or anything, I enjoyed switching tracks to reach new areas and the integration of Yunobo was on par with Tulin's usage in the Wind Temple. Found the Marbled Gohma to be excessively simple, though I am decked out so that's expected. However, I do wish some other element was added to the fight, because aiming along the wall isn't all that hard to do, managed to hit the legs on ceiling with 100% accuracy.

An area in which I feel this game misses the mark is in the story department, the non-linearity definitely accounts for this somewhat, but in general there's a lack of effort to work around it. This is most prevalent in how memories are incorporated into the narrative, Link KNOWS where Zelda is and that she turned into a dragon, yet never brings it up. It makes the section where you're tracking down Zelda infuriating because YOU know where Zelda is, which makes the 'Find Princess Zelda' quest seem very dissonant with what the player is doing. We already found her, but were still on this long fetch quest, while everyone yelling "Oh Hylia! I just saw Zelda, we NEED to get her!" as if we don't know that obviously isn't her.

Either way, Hyrule Castle was a gauntlet across the map. Eventually you end facing off against Phantom Ganon, before the Sages come and help. Snagged a Hylian shield at the docks before leaving.